google54a21fefcdb79515.html Randomly Kassiopeia: 1/1/10 - 2/1/10

Monday, January 18, 2010


i try so hard to remember
all at the same time wanting to forget
not what the event
but feelings

when i try to recall
my mind seems erased
unable to find that certain event
certain word certain action

i try so hard to remember
so i can feel the feeling again
to warn myself in case it happens

i try so hard to remember
all the while forgetting
so i find myself
trapped in a wheel
in the same reel again and again

i try so hard to remember
so i can find the truth
so i can arm myself
so i can fight back

i try so hard to remember
to remember the conversations
the words
the hurt
the pain
the shock
the anger

but i can't.

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